I have been living "Paleo" now for about 4 years, since I lost over 100 lbs and still didn't feel well. Before I learned of Paleo, I was suffering from severe constipation, trapped gas in my chest almost daily, acid reflux (since I was 16), and hypoglycemic symptoms. I was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at the age of 21. I saw a nurse practitioner who told me to "eat more ruffage", a family physician who diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and gave me a pill to help "only the colon" retain water (yeah, right), a surgeon who gave me a pointless MRI, a few chiropractors who each helped a little in their own way, and a colon hydrotherapist who referred me to an amazing herbalist. My herbalist taught me so much about my body, much more than all of the conventional doctors I saw put together! Then I started CrossFit. After losing all that weight, I needed to tone up and I craved the next challenge. It wasn't until the second or third day of my intro classes when I ate a bowl of corn bran cereal before my workout and asked why I was so shakey. I'll never forget the look I got from my coach. I think that's when he ran right over to his stack of handouts and gave me my first bit of information on Paleo. I fell in love with the idea and dove into learning all I could. Once I tried it, I was hooked. It wasn't until 2 years post-Paleo I discovered my Hypothyroidism was really Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, a debilitating autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid. Even more reason to continue my healthy lifestyle! I already knew how to eat to support my "disease"!
If there's one thing I've learned on my journey to health and fitness, it's to be realistic. Set realistic goals, be honest with myself (and others!), and just be real. With this has come a great self appreciation because I've been able to easily see my strengths and my weaknesses for what they are- opportunities to grow. I've learned to be proud of who I am.
During this journey to a lifelong Paleo lifestyle, I've never claimed to be 100% perfect. Perfect is just impossible. As a Holistic "Paleo" Nutrition Consultant and CrossFit trainer, I always tell my clients that if you can aim for 95% Paleo in today's fast food society, you're doing great. So as time goes on in my Paleo lifestyle, not-so-Paleo foods slowly creep their way back into my diet in the form of occasional treats/splurges and even everyday occurrences.
To this day, I swear mozzarella cheese (or probably just cheese in general) is addicting. If you've survived taking it out of your diet (and you can!), never look back or you'll be hooked again with one or two cheats. My biggest pet peeve on this subject is when people say, "Oh I can't live without cheese." Please... *eye roll* It's all about priorities.
Anyway, a good 95% can slowly dwindle to 85%, and then 75%, and then 65%. It's usually around this point where I realize it's time for a "Paleo Challenge". It's time to get back on the Paleo horse and get back to that ultimate 95%! This is where my husband and I are at now. On a side note, I consider myself very lucky to have a husband who's always right there beside me, supporting me in all I do, and dealing with being married to his own personal nutrition consultant.
Today is Day 2 of our 2-week, no cheating, challenge. Did I mention that this is my first Paleo challenge during a pregnancy? Yeah, it doesn't really change much, except for the fact that I'm basically having a Battle Royál with my hormones for control, on top of my usual carb withdrawals. I've been CrossFitting about 2 times per week and walking another 2-3 days out of the week. Meanwhile, I've managed to gain a little more weight than I would've liked to at this point, and I attribute that to my first trimester splurges of eating whatever the heck I wanted! At 21 weeks, I'm now weighing in at where I was when I got pregnant with my first son, so needless to say I look a million times better.
I've also recently discovered some new Sciatica pain, which is making exercise and even every day tasks challenging. I'm hoping that with better Paleo nutrition, regular adjustments, and stretching, I will get some relief.
Here are a few things from our menu!
Cauliflower Fried Rice from Nom Nom Paleo
Laura's Amazing Paleo Cookies from Everyday Paleo
Broccoli Slaw from Level 10 CrossFit <- data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-crossfit="" data-blogger-escaped-first="" data-blogger-escaped-my="" data-blogger-escaped-very="" data-blogger-escaped-woot="">
Red Thai Curry with Chicken from Everyday Paleo
Brussels Sprouts 'n Bacon from Everyday Paleo
and my very own Egg Cupcakes
Everything has been delicious! A great reminder that eating healthy (aka Paleo) is actually a pleasant and desirable experience!
Christine Ybarra, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Level 1 CrossFit Coach, will teach you how to eat the way our bodies were designed to eat! Her education and experience successfully losing over 100 pounds and maintaining a healthy weight for over four years can help you along your journey to health and wellness.
Call Christine to set up your FREE consultation today! (512)550-5575
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